The School of Agricultural and Natural Resources
The School of Business, Finance, and Marketing
The School of Performing &
Visual Arts
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Choose Your Pathway
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The pathway you selected has College Articulation Agreements. Click on the diploma icon on that page to view them! For more information, click on the diploma icon on this page to be directed to the Smyrna High School website.
The School of Agricultural and Natural Resources
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Natural Resource Management Pathway (Environmental)
Agricultural Power & Engineering Pathway (Welding)
Agricultural Structures & Engineering Pathway (Construction)
Animal Science & Management Pathway
Required Courses:
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Marine Biologist
Farm Manager
Game Warden
Agriscience Teacher
Required Courses:
Additional Course Offerings:
Natural Resource Management Pathway
After completing Level 1 & 2, students must take one of the following pathways to complete the pathway
Potential Careers:
Forestry Management
Agribusiness & Financial Management
Wildlife Management
Environmental Specialist
Ecological Restoration Management
Natural Resource Management Pathway
College Articulation Agreements
Students who successfully complete the Natural Resource
Management pathway will receive articulated credit
and be granted advanced standing at Delaware State
University for the following course:
NTRS 103: Intro. to Environmental Science
3 credits
Students who successfully complete the Natural Resource
Management pathway will receive articulated credit
and be granted advanced standing at Delaware Technical
Community College for the following course:
SCI 223: Applied Ecology
Plant Science Pathway
Required Courses:
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Turfgrass Management
Landscape Architecture, Design, Construction & Service
Small Grain Management
Required Courses:
Agricultural Power & Engineering Pathway
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Small, Diesel, or Multi-Cylinder Engine Mechanic
Equipment Operator
Tractor Mechanic
Required Courses:
Agricultural Structures & Engineering Pathway
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Building Contractor
Civil Engineer
HVAC Installer
The School of Leadership Studies
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Aerospace Science & Leadership Pathway (JROTC)
Required Courses:
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Law Enforcement
Public Service
Supervisory Roles
Jobs for Delaware Graduates Pathway (JDG)
Required Courses:
Potential Careers:
More than 50,000 young people have participated in JDG programs since their inception, and more than 250 employers rely on JDG for producing enthusiastic, well-prepared, and efffective employees.
Additional Course Offerings:
The School of STEM & Professional Studies
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Engineering (Project Lead the Way)
Allied Health Pathway
Required Courses:
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Athletic Trainer
Physical Therapist
Respiratory Nurse
Dental Hygienist
Medical & Nursing Assistant
Medical Lab Technician
Allied Health Pathway
College Articulation Agreements
Students who successfully complete the Fundamentals of Health Sciences (FHS) course will receive articulated credit at Delaware Technical Community College for the following course:
BIO100: Medical Terminology
3 credits
Students who successfully complete the Essentials of Health Careers (EHC) course will receive articulated credit at Delaware Technical Community College for the following course:
HLH100: Intro to Health Careers
1 credits
Students who successfully complete the Anatomy & Physiology I (A&P) course will receive dual enrollment credit at Delaware Technical Community College for the following course:
BIO120: Anatomy & Physiology
5 credits
Culinary & Hospitality Management Pathway
Required Courses:
Students will have the opportunity to earn the ProStart National Certificate of Achievement, ServSafe Manager Certifications, and Heartsaver First Aid/CPR/AED Certification.
Potential Careers:
Executive Chef
Sous Chef
Pastry & Specialty Chef
Events Manager
Food Scientist
Restaurant Owner
Culinary & Hospitality Management Pathway
College Articulation Agreements
Students who successfully complete ALL THREE COURSES in the pathway and demonstrate college readiness in math and ELA will receive articulated credit and be granted advanced standing at Delaware Technical Community College for the following course:
HRI 211: Food Principles/Menu Planning
3 credits
This course is offered as part of the DTCC Hospitality Management Program
Students who successfully complete ALL THREE COURSES in the pathway, earn ServSafe Food Production Manager Certification, and demonstrate college readiness in math and ELA will receive articulated credit and be granted advanced standing at Delaware Technical Community College for the following courses:
FSY 100: Food Safety & Sanitation
4 Credits
This course is offered as part of the DTCC Food Safety degree program.
CUL 119: Food Safety & Sanitation
2 credits
This course is offered as part of the DTCC Culinary degree program and the Hospitality Management Program.
Professional Academic Pathway
Students must complete any combination of three College Preparatory, Honors, Dual Enrollment, or Advanced Placement courses to complete the pathway.
These courses are in addition to the English (4), Math (4), Social Studies (3), Science (3), & World Language (2) graduation requirements.
Example Pathway Course of Study:
Potential Careers:
Medical Professional
Museum Curator
Research Scientist
Engineering (Project Lead the Way)
Additional Course Offerings:
Students are encouraged to take Advanced Placement courses to obtain the AP + PLTW Engineering Pathway Student Recognition. To earn the recognition, the student must satisfactorily complete three courses in the pathway - one AP course, one PLTW course; and a third course, either AP or PLTW - to earn a qualifying score of 3 or higher on the AP Exam(s) and a score of Proficient or higher on the PLTW End of Course (EOC) assessment(s).
Potential Careers:
Aeronautical Engineer
Building Construction Engineer
Civil Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Robotics Engineer
The School of Performing &
Visual Arts
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Instrumental & Vocal Music Pathway
Students must complete three courses for this pathway. This may include taking the same course multiple years.
Potential Careers:
Audio Engineer
Chamber Musician
Music Teacher
Digital Photography Pathway
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Art Teacher
Art Preservationist
Graphic Designer
Product Designer
The School of Education
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Early Childhood Teacher Academy Pathway
Additional Course Offerings:
Students enrolled in the Internship will also complete the following Wilmington University Dual Enrollment Courses:
Potential Careers:
Child Care Administrator
Director of Educational Programs
Early Childcare Worker
Early Childhood Researcher/Analysis
Early Childhood Teacher
Teacher's Assistant
Additional Course Offerings:
Students enrolled in the K-12 Internship will also complete the following Wilmington University Dual Enrollment Courses:
K-12 Teacher Academy Pathway
Potential Careers:
Education Administration
Elementary Education Teacher
School Counselor
School Psychologist
Secondary Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Speech & Language Pathologist
The School of Business, Finance, and Marketing
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Academy of Business Information Management Pathway
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
General Managers
Operations Managers
Purchasing Managers
Business Operations Specialists
Computer Information System Managers
Computer Science Pathway
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Computer Game Designer
Computer Support Specialist
Computing & Information Technology Solutions Designer
Data Analyst
Web Designer
Digital Communication Technology
Additional Course Offerings:
Potential Careers:
Web and Digital Communications
Audio and Video Technician
Graphic Designer
Marketing Manager
Public Relations
Digital Communication Technology
College Articulation Agreements
Students who successfully complete the Digital Communication Technology pathway will receive up to three (3) articulated credits and advanced standing at Delaware Technical Community College that may be applied to the following programs of study offered by DTCC.
Advertising Design:
Photo Imaging:
Resource Page
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2023-2024 Resources will be added here when available.
2022-2023 Course Catalog
2023-2024 Course Catalog
2022-2023 Pathway & Elective Courses
2023-2024 Pathway & Elective Courses
Smyrna High School College Planning Information Page
Smyrna High School Course Catalog & Scheduling Page
Smyrna High School School Counselors